Figure 1: Depicts a discharge chamber which is used to ionize the atoms. The electron emmitter (neutralizer) can be found on the left side of the figure and emits electrons into the chamber. Magnetic rings are wrapped around the core creating a magnetic field which prevents electrons from streaming directly to the anode and enhances ionization. The anode is located at the back wall of the discharge chamber and its purpose is two fold; to allow nuetral gas to pass into the discharge channel and created an electric field in the channel. The nuetral gas is then distributed through a series of equally distributed spaced holes in the anode. [C]
Figure 2: Portrays high-energy electrons and propellant (nuetral charge) atoms (Xenon). Ions are created from the collision of an electron and a propellant atom. As the electrons approach the outer walls of the chamber, the magnetic field redirects the electrons back into the discharge chamber utlimetly maximizing the length of time the propellant atoms and electrons remain the the chamber.[D]